Justin an
american pornography
United States of America
(US). He was born
in year 1984 on Apr 30th under Taurus star sign,
currently this seductive gentlemen is 40 years old.
Horny boy has height of
4 feet, 9 inches (145 centimeters) tall
and he has nice body shape
bust 34″, inches
Justin is an active pornstar,
check out his newest video The Flame Grows Higher .
This sexy man starred in at least
17 porn video episodes
shot by Reality Kings, Nubile Films, DDF Network porn studios
and most frequently tagged as:
blonde hair, dv, blowjob.
black jack
We have a real cutie for you in Justin, a Latvian teen whose good looks are still developing alongside his experience and stamina in the bedroom. He has a soft spot for his lady loves that makes him excellent in the bedroom since he does foreplay like a champ before diving deep.