Florence a
She was born
in year 1995 on May 24th under Gemini star sign,
currently this seductive lady is 29 years old.
Horny starlet has height of
5 feet (152 centimeters) tall
and she has nice body shape
bust 34Cā³, inches
Florence is an former pornstar,
check out her newest video Potting Her Two-Lips in the Park Public Pickups.
This sexy woman starred in at least
2 porn video episodes
shot by Reality Kings, MOFOS porn studios
and most frequently tagged as:
anal, blowjob (pov), cowgirl (pov).
Florence is a small package with incredible sexual fire.
When you see a hot piece of tail, you gotta hunt it down til you get a bite. Bro spotted this redhead skank going into a flowershop and tailed her. When he caught up with this slut, a little cash was all it took to bang her in a deserted park.