Victoria Valencia a
She was born
in year 1995 on Sep 11th under Virgo star sign,
currently this seductive lady is 29 years old.
Horny brunette starlet has height of
5 feet, 7 inches (170 centimeters) tall
and she has nice body shape
bust 32B″, inches
Victoria Valencia is an former pornstar,
check out her newest video Sunbathing Latina Gets Pranked Latina Sex Tapes.
This sexy woman starred in at least
3 porn video episodes
shot by Reality Kings, BangBros, MOFOS porn studios
and most frequently tagged as:
blowjob, facial, latina.
Victoria Valencia was just minding her own business by the pool when her pranking BF hosed her down. He just wanted to take advantage of the white t-shirt this hot little Latina was wearing, but dude got a whole lot more than a peek at her nipples.