Russell Grand an
american pornography
United States of America
(US). He was born
in year 1987 on Jul 2nd under Cancer star sign,
currently this seductive gentlemen is 37 years old.
Horny boy has height of
6 feet, 2 inches (188 centimeters) tall
Russell Grand is an former pornstar,
check out his newest video That's Trailer Park Life Teens Love Huge Cocks.
This sexy man starred in at least
1 porn video episode
shot by Reality Kings porn studios
and most frequently tagged as:
amateur, american man, average body.
This tall, dark, and curly-haired porn stud holds a striking resemblance to a famous comedian from across the pond, but Russell Grand is 100% grade-A American beef, and ain't he grand! At six foot two, Russell stands out from the crowd, and his big, thick cock is proportionately impressive. This bearded hunk is the kind of guy who works hard and plays hard, shooting content all day, either on set or with his pornstar lady at home, and partying all night. As a "#1 producer of high fructose porn syrup", Russell is sure to satisfy your desire for that sweet, sweet smut!