Robin Heart also known as Clyde a
He was born
in year 1995 on Oct 20th under Libra star sign,
currently this seductive gentlemen is 29 years old.
Horny boy has height of
5 feet, 7 inches (170 centimeters) tall
and he has nice body shape
bust 9″, inches
Robin Heart is an former pornstar,
check out his newest video Yola Gets Soaking Wet Day With A Pornstar.
This sexy man starred in at least
2 porn video episodes
shot by Reality Kings porn studios
and most frequently tagged as:
big ass, blowjob, blowjob - pov.
Euro porn stud Robin Heart has a cock that stands out a mile. Not only is his uncut man meat nine inches long and plenty girthy, Robin's cock has some surprising features: heart-shaped implants that show all the ladies his romantic nature! Those hearts aren't just for decoration--they're sure to hit all the right spots when things get hot and heavy. If Robin's soulful blue gaze and love of long walks in nature aren't enough to seduce you, he'll take out his cock and give you his heart!