Dominic Pacifico also known as JT Stryker, Dominic Pacifico a
He was born
in year 1980 on Apr 2nd under Aries star sign,
currently this seductive gentlemen is 44 years old.
Horny boy has height of
5 feet, 6 inches (168 centimeters) tall
and he has nice body shape
bust 8″, inches
Dominic Pacifico is an former pornstar,
check out his newest video Take A Ride On The Bi Train - Kaiia Eve, Dillon Diaz & Dominic Pacifico Devilsfilm.
This sexy man starred in at least
12 porn video episodes
shot by Adult Time, Men porn studios
and most frequently tagged as:
anal, blowjob, tattoo.
Hair: Brown | Eye: Hazel | Size: 8 | Sexual Positions: Versatile | Sign: Aries | Favorite Foods: Pizza | Favorite City: London | Hobbies: Cooking, Writing Songs, Health, Fitness | Doesnt Like: People Who Lie | Best Thing About: I Give Love And 100% In Everything I Do | How To Make Happy: Make Me Laugh And Be Real