Prinzzess Felicity Jade a
She was born
in year 1992 on Jan 1st under Capricorn star sign,
currently this seductive lady is 33 years old.
Horny brunette starlet has height of
5 feet, 4 inches (163 centimeters) tall
and she has nice body shape
bust 34B″, inches
Prinzzess Felicity Jade is an former pornstar,
check out her newest video Cum N' Get Me .
This sexy woman starred in at least
4 porn video episodes
shot by MOFOS porn studios
and most frequently tagged as:
brunette, caucasian, indoors.
Prinzzess Felicity Jade is apparently a martial artist of some insanely hardcore skillz and shows a little tit and ass while she performs her ninja slut moves. I had a serious wank to the thought of being held hostage by a secret cabal of ninja sluts.