Bear Weekend Part 2 in Str8 to Gay by Men

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Hot young studs Roman Todd and Paul Canon meet the hunky Gus Turner poolside while on their spring break in Palm Springs. Gus is cock hungry as always so he invites the two dudes back to his room for drinks. Roman and Paul join Gus in his room where he and his raging boner are waiting anxiously. The boys are just there for the free drinks but horny bear Gus convinces the two hot studs to let him choke on their fat, straight cocks. It doesn't take long before Roman and Paul take turns fucking this horny-ass bear, finally leaving Gus dripping in their steamy loads.

Hot american pornstar Roman Todd with tattoos on his sexy belly fucking with american pornstar Paul Canon from Florida with tattoos on his sexy left flank fucking with pornstar Gus Turner . Performing in adult video "Bear Weekend Part 2" in Str8 to Gay series filmed by Men studio.


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